The short answer is 'probably'. Most golf courses carry Dress Codes. The Brolo has done extensive dress code research and even the nicest, most prestigious country clubs primarily state "A Collared Shirt" as a necessity. The Brolo is a collared shirt, so we think it works.
We made a cool video about golfing with the Brolo on Here.
Well first of all, we're not the boss of you, so you can wear your awesome Brolo anywhere you damn please. Our Sleeveless Men's Polo Shirts are gonna be the new thing and you'll soon see them everywhere. If you need some suggestions though, here goes:
The golf course, a bbq, a day on the lake, on a date with a girl who secretly wonders if you skip arm day (spoiler-you don't), at a frat party, at ANY party, to a concert, to a bat mitzah, to a wedding, on a random sunday afternoon watching football all day, at the bar, at church. Ok, maybe don't wear it at church.
Our Brolo's run pretty true to size. If you're a medium Polo, you're a medium Brolo.
You're free to return your unused Brolo to us anytime within 30 days. Just pay return shipping, handling, and insurance. We don't know why you would though.
We do. Check out our Special Edition Brolo's here.
Absolutely! The Brolo is a super popular gift around summertime, Father's Day, Christmas, and more. Just make sure to check the "this is a gift" box during checkout.
We're glad you asked. Check out our Accessories page here and get Brolo'd out.
Thanks for bringing that up.
Shouldn't your clothes change too?
We’re The Brolo. We believe golf is changing and your golf clothes should too. We set out to create The World’s First and Best Sleeveless Men’s Polo and can’t wait for you to try it out.
If you’re looking for a Golf Shirt, a Tennis Polo Shirt, or Just a Casual Men’s Polo Shirt, check out all our Men’s Polo Shirts. We know you’ll love it.